Monday, March 10, 2008

Increasing Penis Size Using a Traction Device

Over the years new ways have been devised to increase penis size. One of the newer and more effective ways has been through the use of a traction device.

The idea behind using a traction device is that by applying a gentle and consistent stretch to the penis the traction device takes advantage of the humans ability to adapt to the pressure. That means expensive surgery is avoided and that the device can be worn while the person is asleep.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Why Penis Pumps Don't Work

Making use of a penis pump is one of the most common ways men attempt to obtain a larger penis. A penis pump is a simple device with a hollow tube where you can put your penis. It has a handle which sucks blood into the penis by creating a vacuum. The blood then gets caught in the penis by means of a rubber ring placed around the base. This ring allows your penis to maintain its erection so you can make love without losing the erection.

By creating a vacuum-type seal around the penis by pulling blood to the surface, it engorges your member and makes it appear larger. The sensations can be pleasant at first, but your penis will eventually return to its former size. These pumps are generally used by men who suffer from chronic insulin dependent diabetes or circulatory disorders. Men afflicted with these conditions have such poor blood circulation due to their sugar metabolism that they can't get enough blood flowing into the area. With the suction created by the pump, the penis's skin and underlying tissues are being stretch. The ring clamps off the blood flow and consequently traps the blood in the penis, making it look thicker and capable of sustaining erection. With the clamp firmly in place, men then can have sex with their partners. However, once you take the clamp off, the erection goes away.

Penis pumps are of greatest benefit when the penis is already erect or when you still have not achieved a full erection. The enlargement effect however is not long lasting and will disappear quickly once pumping ceases or if you remove the ring that keeps the blood pumped into the penis. Having said all these, penis pumps do not cause your penis to grow; they can only help you achieve fuller and harder erections temporarily.

Despite the obvious benefit one gains from using a penis pump, many men and their partners don't like the device because the erection it produces is not "normal." Some pump users complain that their penis feels numb or that it becomes discolored, misshapen, and cold to the touch. Other couples are uneasy about the interruption of intimacy it brings to lovemaking. Also, some men find that the constriction ring at the base of the penis causes mild discomfort upon ejaculation.

Penis pumps can be dangerous if used improperly. Take caution when using one and ensure that whatever pump you use has a reliable pressure gauge and that you follow the instructions closely. Furthermore, using the wrong kind of vacuum pump and using it too often can burst blood vessels in the penis, peel skin, cause general pain, and soreness. They also tend to thin out the penis, making it very weak and reducing the duration of erections. There are some cases of penis pumps even deforming the penis. Some men have found out that after using a penis pump for a period of time, the only way they would be able to obtain an erection is with the pump.

The major problems associated with pumps are:

1. The results are rarely permanent since you're simply sucking blood into your penis. The penis is not actually strengthened nor does it increase in length or girth.

2. You run the risk of getting lymph blisters on the glands of your penis from the device that you're putting over it.

3. You take the risk of bleeding from ruptured capillaries. Sucking a lot of blood abruptly into your penis can rupture some penile blood vessels.

4. You run the risk of temporary impotence as a consequence of forcing blood to your penis for a period of time.

Although pumps do work temporarily (usually for about half an hour) this is unsuitable for spontaneous occasions and these devices have been known to leave scars, bruises and in some cases gangrene, causing much pain to the penis. Pumps work by placing a tube over your penis and then pumping the air out of the tube. This temporarily swells the penis, but does not increase the blood capacity in the cells of the penis, which is crucial in achieving permanent size gains.

After learning all of these disadvantages, you need to think twice before you consider using a penis pump to help you sustain an erection. Your best bet to a full-sized penis would be to exercise and keep your blood flowing healthily.

For information on penis enlargement products that work, go here..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Easy Ways of Enlarging the Penis

Time is really not enough with busy people to find solutions for nearly every problem they meet. Some men who are working the whole day make use of their free time as possible. This is the reason why men having no time with an entire penis enlargement routine end up to stretching. For them, time need not to be wasted. So, stretching is the immediate way because it only takes half a minute or so, and can be done while at the toilet without raising suspicion.

Stretching is different from jelqing. Its aim is not to force the "cave-like body" to expand and accept more blood, but to stretch the ligaments that keep the penis in place and, thus, to increase the flaccid length of the penis. The ideal way of performing this exercise is, of course, as part of a full-blown routine including the proper warm-up and warm-down phases. However, as mentioned above, not every man has the enough free time during the day to perform the full routine and many have to make do with the little time at their disposal.

Working only with the ligaments is easier than trying to expand the tissue and can be done unobtrusively and with less preliminary preparations. However, you should always take care when stretching without the benefit of a warm-up phase. If the pain grows beyond the comfortable, stop immediately and try to massage the sore spot a bit. Stay away from other exercises until all traces of pain are completely gone.

You should keep in mind at all times, stretching is targeted at increasing flaccid length and that’s about all it does for you. Use a full routine, complete with the very important warm-up and warm-down phases if you want to see erect length gains and extra inches of girth. Stretching is easy and convenient but the real important gains come from full routines putting stress on ligaments and tissues alike and helping you see the best results. Therefore, find the time needed for a full routine and be careful when performing stretches without warming up. All exercise of any muscle it requires hard work, repetition, and daily showers

Can Diet Affect Penis Size?

Food is many things. It’s your daily supply of nutrients that keeps you going. It’s your daily pleasure if you can afford fine meals every day. And it’s also your biggest help in keeping your body healthy and fit. Without the right substances entering your body through food, you will suffer from the various diseases associated with malnutrition.

And I’m willing to bet you had no idea that food can also influence the size of your penis. Not many people are aware of the extensive influence certain things have on our bodies. For instance, the pants your wear can hinder spermatogenesis (the production of sperm by the testes) by being too tight. Everyone wants to look good, but it’s silly to sacrifice your sperm for a pair of tight jeans.

The main thing to look for in food is for those ingredients that will keep your blood flowing. The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels. Examples of such food are salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, liver and vegetables like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

While these foods have no readily detectable influence on the size of your penis, their presence in your diet helps promote the blood flow that is the key to erection. If your circulatory system is in perfect shape and if the blood vessels are allowing more blood to pass through the penis, then your erection is bound to be bigger than usual.

What to do if you have penis less than 5 inches

Less than 5 inches? Now that’s a problem. Fortunately there are solutions to this one. The first thing to do is to put embarrassment aside and learn the simple ways in which you can offset this drawback. It’s true that there is no way you can make up on the physical side, but there are tricks that can help you hide the real size. And you can also win through sheer confidence and audacity.

If you have a small penis buried in the pubic hair, you can start by shaving or trimming. At this size you want every inch of your penis to show. So get rid of that hair. Nowadays shaving is no longer seen as strange and the mainstream is much more open to such trends.

Another effective trick is to take a hot shower or bath before sex. The hot water will help increase the blood flow and expand the “corpora cavernosa” in your penis. This means that your penis will be able to hold more blood than usual for a certain amount of time. More blood means more inches.

And last of all, you can shed some weight. If your penis is hard to find in the pad of fat located at its base or if it barely shows its head from under your belly then it’s high time you lose some weight. Losing weight will not only make your penis more visible, but it will also give more stamina in sex sessions and keep your heart in better shape.

For information on penis enlargement products that work, go here..

Monday, March 3, 2008

Penis Size and Ego

Man and sex are two words that get along so well. In reality, even the most conservative man has a wide idea about sex. In the present society, men are still considered as the dominant figures. Even with the emergence of women, men are still I the forefront of every development in ideas, politics, economics, and all other areas of knowledge. Given these facts, men's ego is really upon the pedestal. However, not all tangible things and visible situations affect a man's ego. In most cases, sex is believed to be a major determinant. Although some men are privy about the matter, the truth sex is an important player that distinguishes a man's ego within the circle of his peers.

The penis is a very important part for men. Some say that when it is lost, then there is no more reason to live. Most men feel that their penises are their guide towards immortality and their ticket to fame. Unfortunately, not all men are that contented with the penis that they have. Anatomy suggests that the size of penis is totally dependent of genetics. Though growth enhancers will help, the feeling of being small still lingers in a man's mind. More often than not, a man with a small penis will deviate from sex talk or any concerns regarding the use of the penis. A man's ego is totally washed up once others start to realize that his penis will never be used effectively.

It is normal to have a conception that man's ego is tantamount to the size of his penis. As always, a man with a huge penis gets all the beautiful girls, and is being the object of every woman conversation. A big penis attracts a lot of women and with the increase in women attachment to is a man's ego. Studies indicate that even a small penis can satisfy a woman while having sex. However, man's ego will always contradict to that fact and insists that a huge penis is a necessity. A big penis translates to sexual desires, and a good sex means satisfaction.

In a family, the primary goal of the parents is to procreate. Such is a daunting task ahead of every man who plans to build their own home. In the minds of men, having a lot of children requires a lot of sex. Men believe that the size of the penis plays an important role in encouraging their wives to have sex. A small penis is indeed a problem to all men because enticing their wives to have sex will be hard. Of course, when a wife is dissatisfied, she may blame her husband's in capacity or the small penis that her husband have.

The penis size is always an important factor to men. Though it may sound physical, the effect of a small penis does its damage psychologically. The size of the penis may not necessarily determine how man is viewed in the society. However, a man cannot deny the fact that size really matters.